Global Shipment Tracking Platform
Seychelles Post Supported
Seychelles is a member of the Universal Postal Union and a signatory to the Universal Postal Services where basic postal services such as accessibility, affordability are important. The first post office was opened in 1861 though in 1824 a letter is said to have been 'privately carried' to Europe. The Post Office became autonomous from Mauritius in August 1982. It was in 1893 that the first local post office was introduced in Seychelles. The new Postal Act is a modern Act and replace the Postal Act of 1803. Globally, over the past 10 to 15 years the Postal service all over the world has been undergoing major reform. Our vision and mission: To be one amongst the leading operators in the provision of postal services and products in the region.To provide every household, business entity in Seychelles with the ability to communicate and conduct business with each other and the rest of the World through prompt, reliable, affordable, secure postal services and other value added postal products.
Number rule
(# -> Letter, * -> Digit, ! -> Letter Or Digit)
  • A#*********SC
  • C#*********SC
  • E#*********SC
  • L#*********SC
  • R#*********SC
  • S#*********SC
  • V#*********SC
Shipment Tracking