莫桑比克邮政 支持查询
The company Post of Mozambique can still carry on commercial, industrial and financial related directly or indirectly to their core business activities. The National Postal Company of Mozambique, EP, hereinafter called the Post Office in Mozambique, EP, is a public company with legal personality and administrative and financial autonomy, exercising their activity on subordination of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Governed by the law of public companies, by its statutes, the laws and regulations that are specifically applicable to it as a provider of public services and, finally, what is not specifically regulated by the rules of private law. The public interest defense that will guide all activities of the company will be ensured by the Government, through the Minister of Transport and Communications, except where you are expressly defined otherwise in law or its constitution.
(# -> 字母, * -> 数字, ! -> 字母或数字)
  • A#*********MZ
  • C#*********MZ
  • E#*********MZ
  • L#*********MZ
  • R#*********MZ
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  • V#*********MZ