Posti 支持查詢
Itella is your first choice in postal, logistics and e-commerce services. We manage the flow of commerce and everyday life in 11 countries. Our net sales in 2013 amounted to EUR 1,977 million. We employ approximately 26,000 professionals. We deliver corporate services under the Itella brand, while the Posti brand is used for services targeted at consumers in Finland. Itella is owned by the state of Finland, providing us a credible background and long-term commitment to our strategy. Business customers account for approximately 96 per cent of the net sales. Our key customer industries include the media as well as the trade and services industries. As of January 1, 2015, Itella Corporation will change its company name to Posti Group Corporation. In future, Posti will serve both consumer and business customers under one service brand. The change will further improve customer experience and clarify the company's identity as a Finnish postal, logistics and eCommerce services. An Extraordinary General Meeting of Itella made the decision on changing the name of the group. As of January 1, 2015, the new name of Itella Corporation will be Posti Group Corporation.
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